A great list of free online magazines for designers

(via 25 Best Free Online Magazines For Designers)

As a designer I am always looking for the latest trends and news in web and graphic design.

This is a great list of free online magazines for designers. These magazines are also a great source of inspiration and best of all free!


PHP Script – CSS style switcher

If you are not a member of Codecanyon then sign up for this great freebie, there are only 3 more days left. Every month they offer one free file. Some are great, others well not so much…

This months freebie is a php script for CSS style switcher – I wish I had this when I had to make a style switcher for school a couple of months ago!

Learning PHP

I am beginning to see more and more PHP in some website designs, so I thought it would be really interesting to learn a bit more on PHP. I had touched on this briefly at school but no way near enough to be able to say that I will write my own codes. Hopefully one day I will become an expert on it…

I came across this really great website which had a nice series of tutorials.  They are coming in really handy…

PHP 101: PHP For the Absolute Beginner

Design Tweets #4

Have been really busy, so I have been behind in updating my design tweets. But today I came across some really useful links:

Creating a banner in Fireworks CS4

I was looking for something on youtube and came across this interesting tutorial for making a banner in Fireworks. I watched this video because I was curious to see what Fireworks does. Apparently there are many interesting features in Fireworks but not many tutorials out there for it. I enjoyed this video and thought I would share it…

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